Monday, August 11, 2014

Will your Dear ones Still Love you When you are no Longer Beneficial to Them?

Yes, many people love you today, I agree. How many of them are loving you selflessly? The number of people who love you selflessly will be much less than you can ever imagine. I think except parent's love all other love is selfish only, including the romantic love.

Everyone is loving you because they think you will be beneficial to them in someway. How many of your dear ones will love you as they do now if you become no longer beneficial to them? When you really get into that situation, you will realize the shocking selfishness of people.

After all, life is all about giving and taking. That said, life can't be lived like running a business. A business man can always look for profits but in relationships, we should give more importance to love than the benefits we may get from the people we love.

When people age, they are no longer beneficial to anyone including their family members. In fact, they may become a big burden to the family members if they need strict medical and personal care. Remember, how much they had helped you when they were hale and healthy. It's time to repay their love.

Take good care of old people. After all, what they need is your love and nothing else can make them happy than to know you love them as you did before.

                      Don't be a People Pleaser

                                    Learn the Art of Living

Monday, August 4, 2014

Sometimes you Have to Tell People how Good and Great you Are

Self praising is not good. But, sometimes you have to tell people that you are great and good. We are living in a fast world. Unless you tell people something good and great about you people won't know your talents and goodness.

You may have a few enemies no matter how good you are. They may be spreading bad news about you. When people keep on listening to one side, they will obviously start to believe what that one side says about you.

So, sometimes you have to promote your ownself. I have experienced this in my own life. I always think we shouldn't tell people what good we had done to them. If you don't tell what good things you have done to someone, he/she may not realize it.

I think sometimes we have to establish to people that we are great, good and talented. There's nothing wrong in that. You needn't feel shy for promoting your own self.

Have you ever experienced this in your life?

                         Happiness secret

                    Do not be a People Pleaser

Saturday, August 2, 2014

You Don't Have to be a People Pleaser

It's good to please the people around us. Sometimes it's hard to please others. Sometimes you shouldn't please some people for various valuable reasons. In other words if you try to please them, you will incur some losses. In that cases, you need to stand bold and avoid pleasing them.

Some people are so soft hearted that they can never hurt anyone in anyway. Even if they know they shouldn't please someone on some occasion, they still can't avoid pleasing them. They will eventually suffer some losses due to that pleasing act.

Some people will try to take ride of the people pleasers. They will try to exploit the people pleasing habit of the people pleasers.

You can please many people sometimes.
you can also please some people many times.

But you can never please all people all the time.

Bottom line, you don't have to be a people pleaser sometimes.

                                     Art Of Living

Friday, August 1, 2014

Living in the Present is the Key to Happiness

Most people are living with a lot of problems, worries and sorrows. They can't enjoy the life. They always seem to bother about something. Needless to say, they will lose peace of mind and eventually they will be unhappy.

So, what makes people unhappy?

Most people make the mistake of living in their bad past. They or their dear ones would have had tough times in the past. Therefore, they will be brooding over their past all the time and lose the happiness of the present moment.

Some people bother too much about the future. They are so anxious about the future that they also lose the happiness of the present. It's good to plan for the future but not worry about the future.

Live in the present. Live the present fully and happily. Be content with what you have at present and enjoy life fully.

How to Live a Happy Life?

Everyone wants to live happily forever. In fact, our every action is towards seeking happiness. How many of us are living happily? The fact of the matter is, no one is absolutely happy. The rich and the poor, the educated and the uneducated, man and woman, old people and and young people all are unhappy with their present lives. 

Why is that no one is really happy?

The reason is, people think material wealth can make them happy. Money can give you happiness only to some extent. 

If you want real happiness stop searching for it outside you. Happiness is a state of mind. It's very much within  you. It's in your hands to be happy or not to be happy.

You can be happy at any situation. Great people are happy at even difficult situations. Immature people are unhappy even at great situations.

Bottom line, you can make a Heaven out of Hell and a Hell out of Heaven. It's all in your hands.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Learn the Art of Living

Living effectively is an art. It's perhaps the most important art one should learn. Unfortunately no one teaches us the art of living. Our parents teach us to walk, eat, talk etc. Our teachers teach us the academic lessons but not the art of living.

How should one live anyway? 

Identify your passions and dreams and work hard to pursue them.Choose your education and career accordingly. Love what you do and focus all your attention on what you do.

Be happy with whatever results you get and keep on working hard. Be happy with whatever you have at present. Love all living things in the world. Stop complaining about things and people.

Live in the present. Stop worrying about the bad past and the uncertain future. Learn to forgive others. Do not hold grudges.

Do Yoga and Meditation regularly.